Given the enormity of the catastrophe that could befall Africa should the continent experience a full-scale outbreak of the epidemic, we deem it necessary to address the African Union on a number of urgent issues....
Strengthening the technical capacities of union leaders, members of the intersyndicale of Benin, on the challenges of post-Covid-19 recovery in relation to occupational health and safety was the ultimate purpose of a two-day training workshop organised by the Confédération des Organisations (…)
Humanis Social as a structure is meant to complement Gabon’s health development efforts and provide effective solutions to the health needs of the population. On Tuesday 24 May 2022, the Confédération syndicale gabonaise (COSYGA) hosted, at its Headquarters, the launch of a complementary health (…)
More than 2 million workers lose their lives in the line of duty every year, mainly due to work-related accidents or illnesses. Africa as a continent is the most affected by this scourge that ruins the daily lives of workers. The situation is bad, despite occupational health and safety (…)
The C0VID-19 pandemic has really taken a toll on the economic activities of countries across the world, especially developing countries such as Benin; the ensuing economic downturn has led to a shift in industrial relations coupled with the restrictive measures introduced by governments, which (…)
Undoubtedly, this year has been a very tough one with the COVID-19 virus that continues to mutate and cause the endless spread of infection, worsening hospitalization and death. Specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic has brutally exposed and exacerbated the fault lines between those who have access (…)