Sir, on behalf of the 18 million workers of our organisation from 52 of the 55 African countries, I would like to share with you the L20 Policy Recommendations to the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers 2024.
These recommendations provide us with insights among which we would like to highlight the following:
The adoption of a quality job creation target (Fortaleza target) implemented through national jobs plans with the social partners and investments in job-rich climate-friendly sectors.
The promotion of labour rights and the ratification and effective implementation of ILO Fundamental Conventions
The promotion of policies to increase wages and strengthen collective bargaining and social protection in the Labour Income Share and Inequalities Subgroup.
The promotion of Just Transition within the Employment Working Group focusing on the inclusion of Just Transition in the context of Nationally Determined Contributions.
We are counting on your support to echo the concerns of African trade unions to our governments so that they commit themselves to taking effective and efficient measures to respond to the most important problems faced by workers.
Yours truly,
Akhator Joel Odigie
General Secretary