Planned Activities for 2016/17

Keywords : ATUDN

The following are the activities planned for 2016/17 project year ;
Implemented Activities ; and
Not planned but implemented Activities.

Planned Activities for 2016/17

The following are the activities planned for 2016/17 project year :

  1. Baseline Assessment Survey on: Trade Union SDGs engagement and monitoring at the regional and national level.
  2. Mapping on Agenda 2063 and on Agenda 2030 with Sub-regional economic blocks, governments as well as progressive CSOs at the national level.
  3. Setting of TU development priorities at national level regarding the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs
  4. ACTRAV SDGs workers academy
  5. Deepening the research on PPPs and on social dialogue, TU Solidarity partnerships meeting & introduction of TUDEP
  6. Baseline study on TU organizational capacity TUDCN General Meeting ATUDN General meeting
  7. Visibility & communication of ATUDN (Webpage, Newsletters)


Implemented Activities

Activities Results Indicators
Preparing African Trade Unions for 2030 Agenda - Follow-up and monitoring of implementation, Lome, 18-19 February 2016
  • Project host countries representatives oriented to the project ad their support mobilised.
  • Willingness of the countries to participate in the project.
  • A list of project countries.
  • List of contact persons
  • Meeting report
Mapping on Agenda 2063 and on Agenda 2030 with Subregional economic blocks, governments as well as progressive CSOs at the national level.
  • The mapping of how Trade Unions could influence the Agenda 2030 and AU Agenda 2063 done.
  • Enhanced knowledge about stakeholders and power play
  • Project report
An Assessment of the State of Africa Trade Unions & Capacity Assessment - Research Methodology Workshop Lome, 14-15 July 2016
  • Background work on the research done.
  • Research Methodology Training
  • Research to commence shortly
  • List of research countries
  • List of researchers
  • Report about the research meeting
TUDCN General Meeting, Bangkok, 5-8 April, 2016
  • Approval of the Global workplan
  • Formulation of the Global workplan
  • Meeting report
  • Copy of the workplan


Not planned but implemented Activities

Activity Results Indicators
TUDCN Project Coordination meeting, Brussels, 31 May -01 June, 2016 – Project Kick-off 1. Enhanced knowledge about the project and on the modus operandi
  • Project coordination
  • Reporting
  • Financial Management etc.
1. Meeting report/Photos
The High Level Political Forum on SDGs, New York, 11-20 July, 2016 1. Promulgation of trade union positions on various key issues relating to the Agenda 2030:
  • Business and SDGs
  • Financing for Development
  • Decent Work Agenda

2. A request by Deputy Director General of OECD for further consultation
3. Dissemination of the PPPs research

1. UN Report
2. Updates on TUDN website
3. Facebook and Twitter updates
Africans Rising Conference, Arusha, 2324 August, 2016 1. Influenced the inclusion of the trade union agenda – employment creation
2. ITUC-Africa on steering committee/board
3. Central to the drafting of the Declaration
1. Declaration
2. Composition of Steering Committee/Board

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With the support of the
European Union



This guidance note presents the COS framework; it reviews the concrete steps that can be used (…)


TUDEP is a learning tool meant to support trade unions worldwide in the application of the (…)


The pamphlet aims to introduce trade unionists to the 2030 Agenda and its overlap with the work (…)