According to
Article VIII (b), Ordinary Congress shall be convened every four years. Article VIII (c) states that the Congress shall be convened to consider and decide on the following (i) Reports on activities of the Regional Organisation, including financial reports; (ii) General trade union policy questions and resolutions; (iii) General questions of interest to working people which call for policy to be formulated to guide the Regional Organisation and member organisations; (iv) Proposals for the a ctivity of the Regional Organisation during the period to follow; (v) Proposals for amendments to the Constitution; (vi) Any other proposal submitted by member organisations; (vii) Nominations for the election of the General Council, the General Secretary and the Internal Auditors; (viii) Ratify applications for affiliation; (ix) ratify sanctions.
In fulfillment of these constitutional provisions, ITUC Africa convened its 5 th Ordinary Congress on 28 30 November 2023 at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.