The Trade Union Analysis and Research Committee (CARES) of Benin in tune with ITUC-Africa/CFDT/CGT project entitled ’’supporting trade union action in the economic field to make decent work a reality in Africa ’’

Keywords : Benin Reports Structural Transformation For Africa’s Development

Training activities under this joint project are underway. After the training session for the members of CARES-Togo, which was held in Lome from 4th to 8th March, 2013, 12 trade union experts of CARES-Benin were trained from 11th to 15th March 2013 at Bourse du travail (trade union centres headquarters) in Cotonou under the theme "Social protection and trade union action". The main objective of this training was to put at the disposal of trade unions in Benin, thanks to the expertise of CARES-Benin, the tools that will assist them in conducting research, campaigns and advocacy in order to buttress their proposals concerning the establishment of a social protection floor in Benin.

Now that the capacity of the members of CARES-Benin has been developed, this project has promoted an inter-union framework for economic and social governance. This framework brings together ITUC-Africa’s affiliates in Benin. It will enable them to undertake effective actions in the interest of workers and the people in the field of economic and social development. The plan of action adopted at this training seminar has identified two priorities: (i) working towards the establishment of a comprehensive legislative framework which would increase the coverage and access to social protection in Benin; (ii) ensuring that social protection is extended to the informal sector workers and that the trade union base is expanded in Benin. The outcomes of the seminar were presented to the General Secretaries who promised to assist CARES-Benin in achieving the objectives of this plan of action.

Given that social protection is an essential pillar in the process of economic and social development and in poverty reduction in Africa, the members of CARES-Benin said at the end of the training seminar that they were satisfied with the content of the seminar and the discussions. They are now prepared to make credible proposals in the process of social dialogue on social protection. In the specific context of Benin, RAMU (universal health insurance scheme) is an essential scheme which can facilitate the establishment of the social protection floor for all. CARES-Benin has already undertaken concrete actions targeting RAMU with the view of extending social protection to all in Benin.

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